Local matching session interviews with the focus group, desk research reports are the milestones of the first output of the project as Concept Paper.In order to acomplish NGSS first intelectual output we used both field research (applying the Focus Group Interview method) and desk research. The purpose of the research activities is to offer a comprehensive analysis on the use of STEM+Arts approach in teaching science and art in preprimary and primary education and on the value and of STEM+Arts education in increasing the motivation and participation of young girls in STEM fields of study and careers. Both field research (Focus Group Interviews) and desk research were carried out by each partner on the specific facts and data of his/her country by the end of April,2021. In this context need analysis would be specified through the local matching session interviews with the focus groups as primary and pre-primary teachers, parents, STEM professionals and artists. Common questions were asked first to observe the other target groups’ relevance related to the teachers.The number of participants in the interviews involved in Usküdar district national education : 7 female, 2 male teachers, 6 female STEM Professionals as 1 Academic ( Associate Professor from Maltepe Univ.), 4 Teacher Trainer and Teacher of BILSEM, 1 Expert from Polar Research institute, 3 Art & Design practioners as 1 male dance professional, 1 free lanser painter, 1 architect and 5 female 1 male parents. The total number is 24 people. For each focus group special questions were appropriate for the structure of the group. Also open ended questions asked in the interviews would pave the way of concept paper at the end of the process of need analysis would define the framework of the disadvantaged group. The questions would like to clarify the focus groups’ experiences, expectations, methodology, activities related to STEM+Arts, SEL (Social Emotional Learning), disadvantaged groups as girls, economic and geographical situation of the families. Local desk research reports involve reviewing previous research findings or scientific literature to get a broad understanding of the STEM+Arts and SEL from academic outputs and other important information.