Next Generation Science Standards through STEAM– NGSS- 2020-1-TR01-KA201-094463 NGSS Project carried out the project’s 2nd online meeting on 7th April 2021. Due to pandemic face to face transnational meetings cannot be organized, therefore bimonthly meetings with the participation of all the partners, bilateral meetings focused on the outputs of the process in action are organized. Uskudar district national education directorate and Universitate Valahia Targovista –Science Education Department UVT/ Romania as the leader of Concept paper reminded the numbers, procedure of the focus group event. The first phase of the concept paper will be the local focus group interviews as matching sessions with pre-primary and primary teachers, parents, STEAM professionals and desk research and these tasks will be analysed scientifically to be local national reports. These national reports will be the core of Concept Paper. OER (Open Educational Resource) as AuReSSel platform contains downloadable lesson plans, training and educational materials and useful links. Training materials will be 3 minutes videos / animations. Each partner will design their own lesson plan and videos as multilingual. Bulgarian team will specify the skills for social -emotional to insert the learning plan template. In the transnational project the one of the most expected criteria will be to be able to reflect the cultural, traditional, authentic aspects of the project’s outputs as European added value. Each partner will design lesson plans with innovative methods that develop creative thinking, learning by experience, problem based learning, inquiry based Learning, design thinking. NGSS project’s website as is designed by polish partners and will be multilingual soon. Bahçesehir schools as the leader of project’s output STEM+Art kit design the kit with the themes like the informatics world, green world, mechanical world and, imagination world for pre-school and primary school. They will present the games and algorithmic maps in the next online meeting. These materials will be ready before local training to support teacher trainings that will be organized in September 2021. On the other hand, social media (Facebook- Instagram, Tweeter and a YouTube channel for education videos) accounts will be designed for the project. A trailer of the project will be designed and all partners will give an idea about the scenario of it in the next meeting. The meeting ended with best wishes.